Qwt User's Guide svn
QwtLog10ScaleEngine Member List
This is the complete list of members for QwtLog10ScaleEngine, including all inherited members.
align(const QwtInterval &, double stepSize) const QwtLog10ScaleEngine [protected]
Attribute enum nameQwtScaleEngine
Attributes typedefQwtScaleEngine
attributes() const QwtScaleEngine
autoScale(int maxSteps, double &x1, double &x2, double &stepSize) const QwtLog10ScaleEngine [virtual]
buildInterval(double v) const QwtScaleEngine [protected]
buildMajorTicks(const QwtInterval &interval, double stepSize) const QwtLog10ScaleEngine [protected]
buildMinorTicks(const QList< double > &majorTicks, int maxMinMark, double step) const QwtLog10ScaleEngine [protected]
buildTicks(const QwtInterval &, double stepSize, int maxMinSteps, QList< double > ticks[QwtScaleDiv::NTickTypes]) const QwtLog10ScaleEngine [protected]
contains(const QwtInterval &, double val) const QwtScaleEngine [protected]
divideInterval(double interval, int numSteps) const QwtScaleEngine [protected]
divideScale(double x1, double x2, int numMajorSteps, int numMinorSteps, double stepSize=0.0) const QwtLog10ScaleEngine [virtual]
Floating enum valueQwtScaleEngine
IncludeReference enum valueQwtScaleEngine
Inverted enum valueQwtScaleEngine
log10(const QwtInterval &) const QwtLog10ScaleEngine [protected]
lowerMargin() const QwtScaleEngine
NoAttribute enum valueQwtScaleEngine
pow10(const QwtInterval &) const QwtLog10ScaleEngine [protected]
QwtScaleEngine()QwtScaleEngine [explicit]
reference() const QwtScaleEngine
setAttribute(Attribute, bool on=true)QwtScaleEngine
setMargins(double lower, double upper)QwtScaleEngine
setReference(double reference)QwtScaleEngine
strip(const QList< double > &, const QwtInterval &) const QwtScaleEngine [protected]
Symmetric enum valueQwtScaleEngine
testAttribute(Attribute) const QwtScaleEngine
transformation() const QwtLog10ScaleEngine [virtual]
upperMargin() const QwtScaleEngine
~QwtScaleEngine()QwtScaleEngine [virtual]
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